The Greater Minnesota Worker Center (GMWC), established in 2013, is a dynamic coalition uniting low-wage workers, community and labor activists, academics, and progressive professionals. Rooted in St. Cloud, MN, amid a burgeoning population of over 10,000 recently arrived immigrant and refugee workers, GMWC focuses on catalyzing impactful change by advocating for economic justice, social justice, and immigrant rights. GMWC’s core philosophy centers on the belief that the empowerment of low-wage workers and their families necessitates multifaceted action both within and beyond workplaces. The aim is to secure comprehensive economic advancement, social rights, family-sustaining wages, and dignified lives for these workers through power organizing, leadership development, and policy engagement
Since its inception, GMWC has been at the forefront of local campaigns dedicated to eradicating poverty wages and enhancing living standards across central Minnesota. GMWC’s leadership is steered by an inter-racial working board of directors, actively engaged in overseeing organizational operations. This board offers strategic leadership in program development and directs the implementation of activities, ensuring the realization of its organizational objectives and the meaningful impact of all endeavors. Together, we’re committed to fostering a community where every individual, particularly low-wage workers, and their families, can thrive and achieve equitable economic and social empowerment.