Greater Minnesota Workers is saddened by the image of border guards lobbing with tear gas the migrant caravan from Central America at the San Ysidro Port of Entry in California. United States of America, as a nation, is founded on the principles and values of welcoming all who come to our shores seeking justice, and rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without regard to race, creed or national origin. U.S. Border Agents shooting tear gas at migrants escaping well-founded fear of persecution and other human rights violations is antithesis to these deeply held American value propositions. The escalating crisis at the border needs leadership up to and from the White House. It does not need the use of military force against unarmed migrants.
Greater Minnesota Worker Center stands in solidarity with the migrants and calls on the Trump Administration to receive and process asylum seekers at the ports of entry as has been in keeping with our well-established tradition and legal system.
Greater Minnesota Worker Center’s mission is to support, organize, and build power to improve working conditions and raise wages for workers and to improve the quality of life in Greater Minnesota.