Build Multiracial Solidarity and Worker Power

We unite workers across racial lines to strengthen collective bargaining and amplify our shared voice. Through collaborative initiatives, we dismantle systemic barriers and create inclusive pathways to empowerment.

Worker Leadership Program

For East African workers and Latinx American workers. In our supportive learning space, we learn and understand from each other, build trust and relationships, and build our organizing skills while engaging in collective actions.

Worker Empowerment through Organizing

We conduct regular Know Your Rights meetings and outreach efforts to engage with immigrant workers; Facilitate discussions on issues of exploitation and disrespect within workplaces; Build a strong sense of solidarity and power among workers through collective actions.

Build Multiracial Solidarity and Worker Power

Unite for a Stronger Future

Join us in bridging racial divides to empower every worker and enhance our collective strength. Through united efforts, we break down systemic barriers and craft inclusive paths to a fairer, more equitable workplace for all.